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Why Faba Beans?

faba bean field
Soil zones in western Canada

It's all about protecting canola

Canola is the key crop in western Canada, especially in the Parkland area (Black and Grey soil zones). Canola is our most profitable crop and the industry has done a great job of developing new, high yielding varieties as well as developing markets.  BUT farmers are pushing canola too hard, growing it every second year on the same land - in some cases even every year. This is opening us up to the potentially devastating Clubroot disease that is seriously threatening our ability to grow canola in many areas.  

Faba beans can become a key crop for the black and grey soil zones of western Canada

Farmers in the Parkland areas of Saskatchewan and Alberta really need another crop to add to their rotation. Wetter weather conditions have created challenges over the last several years.  This has caused us difficulties in our cereals with fusarium now gaining a strong foothold in some areas, and root rot affecting pea production.  To help mitigate this disease pressure we have to be able to get to at least a three year crop rotation for the better health of canola and our cereals.  We need another profitable crop that will not only be able to thrive in these wetter conditions, but also be profitable.  

Good faba bean farming practices.
faba bean field harvest

Fabas are a great fit

Faba beans have been tried on and off for a couple of decades by farmers and seem to do quite well here.  But we also need to make sure that there is a good market for them. The lack of good, consistent markets have been what has killed faba bean production in the past.  Faba Canada is committed to building a strong, stable and profitable industry in Canada from the ground up. We are working with growers, agronomists, breeders, universities, government and potential buyers. We believe that by all working together, we can build something great.

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